Apr 17, 2007

Two famous people

As we all know that there are many very famous people around the world and choosing two that are important to me was actually matter of my religious background. I have decided to pick John Paul II and Mother Teresa. Both are very famous from their missionary life and service to people. They both dedicated their lives to God and as his servants – to follow his Word. John Paul II was a pope – the highest rank you can be at the Roman Catholic Church.
Through that position he was able to touch millions and millions of people through his travels, Gospels and liturgies. He was and still is a moral example of Gods servant. He as a leader of the Catholic Church and his position he was able to communicate with main heads and leaders of many countries and religions. As John Paul II, Mother Teresa was able through her dedicated work help many people – especially sick and unwanted. She gave comfort and feeling of importance to the people that where treated by others as nothing. On the other hand there are many differences between my chosen characters. Mother Teresa was as not as famous as John Paul II at first – as a poor nun she spend her life living with poor and sick people. Not in Vatican as the Pope was.


ESL Teacher said...
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ESL Teacher said...

Your topic sentences should say that you are going to compare these two people.

Supporting Ideas:
You focus alot on the similiarities and not very much on the differences. Try to write the same about both.
Also, it will make your writing easier to follow if you say how they are similiar and then give a short example about each person.


treated not treaded


I didn't see two comparitives

ESL Teacher said...

Topic/Concluding .15
You need to tell me you are going to compare similiarities and differences. You need concluding sentence.

Supporting Ideas .15
Strong ideas for similarities, explain more about differences.

Transitions/Vocabulary .20
As John Paul (verb),
Like John Paul, Mother Teresa...
On the other hand,
A character is a person in a book or a funny individual.

Grammar/Comparatives .25
God's servant

good comparatives