Apr 17, 2007

Turning Point in my Life

A turning point in my life was about 3 years ago, on April 5th 2004 when I arrived to U.S. Before that moment I lived in Poland in a small village. It all started when in 2003 I went to the Army as a National Board Guard served there for almost 9 months when my sister called and decided to choose me as a godfather for her daughter. I came to visit for a month ( November 2003) and had to return back to the Army to finish my service. At the beginning of 2004 I had a choice – either to stay as a permanent Board Guard or return home and used a fact that I still had a good visa and go back to U.S. to stay with my sister. I really counted on a fact that I would stay in the Army because that was what I really wanted to do, but one way or another my papers didn’t go through for the Army stay so I decided to come over to Ohio. Around 2 years ago my sister went through a very unpleasant divorce and me living at her place became a huge advantage for her. I was able to help out not only around doing chores but I was there for her when she needed someone to talk to.
Now, I see myself connecting, associating with the main character from " Snake Dance". Like him I felt that my problems at that time weren’t as important as hers and let me tell you, I love my sister and my niece. They are my closest family. We are still together and going strong. I started collage and it feels like I’m again doing a very good thing – I’m starting to think about my future.

1 comment:

NESRIN said...

Hi Greg
"It all started when in 2003 I went to the Army.."
This sentence is confusing.