Apr 11, 2007

My First Language and English

Romanian and English languages have several similarities and differences. They are related languages in many ways.
First, there are some similarities. One of it is about the roots of the words. Many of them are the same in both languages. For example, familie= family, aspect= aspect, popular= popular, politic= political,etc.
Another simmilaritie is that both languages are used for communication between people who speak the same language.
Moreover, the alphabets are based on the Latin alphabet, there are the same characters.
However, the difference apears in Romanian alphabet which has five additional letters as: a with a"~" over it, a and i with a"^"over them, s and t with a"," untherneat them.
Also, there are more vowels in Romanian (a, a~, a^, i^, e, i, o, u), then in English(a, e, i, o, u).
In addition, as in Romanian as in Englishs the sound "x", represents either the phoneme "cs" as in expresie= expression, or "gz" as in exemplu= example.
In the same manner are the punctuation and capitalization rules. For example, as in English we use quotation marks either but, the difference is in writing. We use them in format ,,quote", and also ,,quote<> quote".
Furthermore, in English quotations are used to mark the dialogues, meanwhile, in Romanian they are identified with dashes in front of them.
Also, the comma before "and" is considered incorect in my language (ex.: Red, yellow and blue are the colors of our flag.).
Besides all of these, the capitalization has some differences as: the titles in Romanian language have just the first word capitalized, and the proper name if it exists. Then, the names of the monts and days are written with lower cases (ex. January= ianuarie, Monday= luni, etc.). In addition, the adjectives derived from proper names are not capitalized (ex. Germania=Germany, german= German, etc.)
Then, there are many differences between these two languages. The most common one is the pronunciation and writing. If in Romanian language the words are written the same as they are pronounce, in English it is different.
Another difference is about grammar. If in my language the adjectives' place in the sentence is after noun, in English its place is before the noun (It is a flower red.= It is a red flower.).
Further, English grammar has tenses for specific time, thing that doesn't exist in Romanian grammar. Moreover, Romanian language has the verbs conjugate different for each person, thing that in English is different just at the third person (ex.: eu am= I have, tu ai= you have, el/ea are= he/she has, noi avem= we have, voi aveti= you have, ei/ele au= they have).
There are many other similarities and differences between Romanian and English languages.


Katya said...

Your paragraph is very interesting. Try to use more transition expressions such as "in contrast", "whereas" ...
Your sentence "..thing that in English is different just at the third person." is a little bit confusing.
Check your spelling in a word "ruts" (roots).

katy said...

The last visible difference between these two languages is about the phonetics. Because of the spelling, in English the unit of a spo......( this part a little bit of confusing, can you explain more)

harpreet said...

you have to check spelling in your paragraph otherwise your paragrapg ie intersting

MURHAF said...

hi florea. its a good pragraph. u missed spelleng monts (months). U need to put (but) before in english is deffernt .

ESL Teacher said...

Try to find different ways of saying similarities and differences in your last sentence.

Supporting Ideas: Wow! You were very specific! You do not need so many detailed examples. Try to focus on the three biggest differences and give one example to support it.

You can combine the third and fourth sentences like this:
First, the root words are similiar.

The second similiarity is unclear. Can you explain more.

You can simply state the differences. For example, it is enough to say Romanian has five additional letters.

check spelling

ESL Teacher said...

Topic/Concluding: .25

Supporting Ideas: .20
See first comments
Excellent transitions

Check spelling
Good comparatives