Apr 10, 2007

Cultural Tradition

The ability to travel all over the world gives us a chance to live in a different country and to know other cultural tradition.After coming to
the U.S , I noticed some similarities and differences in cultural tradition
between the U.S and Poland. As in the U.S the most important holidays
in Poland are Christmas and Easter.Christmas time is the most beloved
and beautiful of all traditional holidays alike in Poland and U.S. Both
in Poland and U.S people dress a Christmas tree and sing Polish Christmas Carol.Similarly to the U.S we have found presents under
a Christmas tree. The differences are that we celebrate for two days,
in the U.S people celebrate only one day. Christmas Eve is very important
day for Polish people.Whole family gather at home to eat festive dinner.
American people often celebrate that day in a restaurant. Easter in spring , Polish people celebrate for two days , in contrast people in U.S
only one day. As in the U.S children make colourful eggs and family eat
holidays breakfast. In Poland people celebrate Easter according to the
Catholic Church rules. In the United States in various way depends on
origins, cultures and skin colors.However, it is not important thing in which way we celebrate but keeping our tradition allow to know who we are.


Katya said...

The Polish traditions to celebrate holidays sound very interesting. I think your topic and supporting sentences do not connect.
Check your grammar. For example, "we can to loss our cultural tradition.." (we can lose), "... depends of origins,
cultures ..." (depends on).

katy said...

Your topic is very interesting.
please check your grammar again.

Sara said...

I think you need to check the grammar.

harpreet said...

i read your paragraph its very intersting but you have to check spaces after period and i have a question abhout festive dinner what is that can you expain that for me

ESL Teacher said...

I agree with your first sentence, but it doesn't connect to the rest of your paragraph. It would make more sense if you deleted it and started with "The ability to.."

You need a concluding sentence.

Supporting Ideas:
You have good examples for differences, but you need 3 similiarities.

You repeat the same idea twice.
These days..
As in the U.S., (alike is confusing)
Both in Poland and U.S. people dress a Christmas tree..

Check spaces in between periods.

JOEP said...

Your paragraph is very good. But you need cheeck the grammar and write clear sentence.

ESL Teacher said...

Topic/Concluding:Good .25

Supporting Ideas: .25 Clear examples

Transitions/Vocabulary: .20
You used many good trasitions to connect your ideas.
As in the U.S., ..
Similar to the U.S.
Grammar/Comparatives .20
Good superlatives!
Two spaces after a period
The whole family gathers..
people in the U.S. only (celebrate) one day - you need the verb