Apr 10, 2007

Indian and American Wedding culture

There are a lot of similarities and differences between American and Indian weddings. First similarity is people get married in temples or churches. Like wise in American weddings also mostly made in churches. Second the both bride and bridegroom's family members,friends and their relatives attending their wedding in both countries. The marriage is the most important than any other occasion in both countries.
We can see differences also in both wedding's in U.S.A and India. First we can see the difference is choosing life partners. In India all most marriages are arranged by their parents. Here in America choice is given to them. No dating in India. Here dating is must before they are getting married. Second is, in India there is dowry system , the bride groom's parents demands lot of dowry from the bride's parents. Here no dowry. Third difference is, In India bride wears sary for wedding. The cost is lesser than American wedding gown. Here in U.S.A bride wears wedding gown. We can see lot of similarities and differences between American and Indian weddings.


FLOREA said...

Hi Sivarao,
it is very interesting, about the marriage in your country. When my parents got married it was the costum of giving the dowry by the bride's parents, too. But now it got changed and I think it is better.
Now, about your writing. In essence, the paragraph is good. You have some mistakes of spelling, and some sentences unfinished or with no understandin.
For example, the first sentence is unclear. I didn't quit understand it. The second sentence is unclear, too. Then, the sentence which starts "The bride and bride ...." is not finished, the verb is missing.
Spelling: -"I" has to be always capitalise ;
-I think bride's groom;
-lot of differences

Volha said...

Hi.I think,you need to change you title. You forgot about some rule: titles do not require periods at the end.

Sara said...

Sivarao you need to check your spelling.

katy said...

We can see lot of difference like, all most all marriages in India arranged marriages, not like here in U .S.A. secondly , no dating before marriage.(check your garmmar and make it clear)
Your paragarph is unclear. You need use some transition which teacher riquire and make your topic sentence and conlusion sentence connect.

FLOREA said...

In addition, I want to give you some more advices, you don't have examples between these two cultures in marriage.
Also, you may have to write some transitions, and use some comparatives.

ESL Teacher said...

instead of are involved in wedding..between American and Indian weddings.

Supporting Ideas:
Good ideas. The first difference is unclear.

America (noun)
American (adjective) marriages
In India almost all...
Second, in India..
You use some good transitions. Try using some of the transitions from chapter four.
Try to find different words for similiarities and differences.

We usually use bride and groom.

The first similiarity is that the marriage...

churches not church's

very expensive
capitalize beginning of sentence

Every sentence needs a verb.
You need to use two comparitives (see chapter 4 grammar)

ESL Teacher said...

Topic/Concluding:Great .25

Supporting Ideas: .25
Good ideas and examples!

Transitions/Vocabulary: .20
The first similarity
Second, both the bride
Second, in India there is a dowry system.

Grammar/Comparatives .15
marriage is the most important occasion or
marriage is more important than
any other..

weddings (plural nouns don't need an apostrophe ')

almost all marriages.
You need a verb in every sentence.
The cost is less than..