Mar 8, 2007

Escaping from Reality.

Generally people are, always make their life happy.When they are in youth ,Full of expectations of many dreams and desires. They may full filled their desires and dreams,When they grown up,they may encounter many problems,difficulties and lot of tress with in the themselves.
They will seek to come out of their difficult situation's. They choose many ways to come out from their frustration and real difficult situations. Some are imagining completely out of their real life. And some are choosing temporary solutions like taking drugs, worldly pleasures and spending time alone, to escape from reality. But they seems to be escaping from reality . We can change our life better, But we can't change or escape from reality. No body can change their gray hair to black. They may apply black color to showing black instead of gray. But after few months the color will go, the gray hair only remains. " The reality is reality." Imagination and temporary solutions are can't change the real life.


harpreet said...

No body can change their gray hair to black. They may apply black color to showing black instead of gray.
You use very gud example in this assignment,the main thing is you use the truth of life.

rudina said...

I think that it was good that you said the truth about real life.