Mar 8, 2007


Some cultures program you to escape from reality since you are a baby. You start hearing all kinds of stories that make your imagination fly to the fantasy world. Your parents tell you about Christmas, a guy with a red outfit, kind of heavy, that is going to bring you presents if you are a good kid. They also describe to you how he comes with a sled pulled by deers and stop on the top of the house and goes down the chimney, and he is expecting cookies and milk from you. Another story is when you loose teeth and the tooth fairy is going to leave you money under your pillow. It is all kinds of stories; some are funny and cute, other are scary. Have you ever seen the movie Monsters Inc.? Kids hear noises at night and they start thinking of all kinds of things. They let their imagination let them think that there is some kind of monster in the closet.
We always dream because it makes us feel good. I think everybody goes there, to the imaginary world. There are plenty of ideas to dream about it. One day I am going to marry my knight in shining armor or one day I am going to hit the lotto and I am going to do this and that...we all dream; we all, one way or the other, escape from reality. We all are dreamers, some people dream about having a lot of money, having political power, or some kind of power, or going to Las Vegas and hit the Jackpot or who knows. The thing is we have to come back from there and deal with the reality. Other people go there and never come back. Those people need mental treatment. Reality is not so bad, we have to learn how to deal with it and be happy.

1 comment:

FLOREA said...

Do you think that we are programmed to escape from reality since we were babies? It may be true. Who knows?
I liked your ideea. It is something that I have never thought about.
Anyway, I am used to hear stories like that; and now, it is my turn to tell story-tells.
About hitting the Jackpot or winning to the lottery it's everybody's dream.Don't you think?
Nice paragraph!