Apr 9, 2007

The Christmas in the US and in Ukraine

Both the US and my native country - Ukraine are christian countries, therefore the Christmas is celebrated there. However, there are some differences in the celebration, because they are not only different countries but their history and culture are very distict from each other.
To begin with similarity. The following are some common examples: there is the same Holiday tree on the Christmas in the US as in Ukraine. Also, children of these countries have found presents under the Holiday tree. Finally, the presents have given from the fairytale character - the kind, old grandfather.
Still, some differences do exist. The fairytale character in the US is Santa Claus but in Ukraine - Jack Frost. In addition, Ukrainian Jack Frost has granddaughter Snegurochka, who together with him presents gifts for kids. Another point is that the Christmas is celebrated in the US earlier than in Ukraine. In the US - on December, 25th but in Ukraine - on January, 7th.
On these examples we can see how the same holiday is celebrated differently in various countries. In fact, a culture and a history of a country has a big influence on celebration of holidays.


ESL Teacher said...


Supporting Ideas:
Good examples on similarities. The first sentence on differences is unclear. What do you mean by volume?

Similarites include:
Plus is used in speaking. In addition, is used in writing.
difference (noun) different (adj) see first sentence under differences.

no the before Christmas
distinct history..

presents are given from a fairy hero..
earlier than in Ukraine

ESL Teacher said...

Topic/Concluding: .25 Excellent!

Supporting Ideas: .25
Good examples.
Transitions/Vocabulary: .25
Nice transition, great variety of words.

Grammar/Comparatives: .20
Nice comparatives!
: colon is used for a list and you only include one example in the first similarity.
in the Ukraine it is Jack Frost.
Christmas (no the for proper nouns - Easter, Halloween etc.)

From these examples..