Apr 26, 2007


Alcoholism is a problem affecting all aspects of society. According to the CDC (Center for Disease Control) 10-23 % of all alcohol consumers are considered alcoholics. Although it is difficult to pinpoint the exact cause of alcoholism, there are many ways to get pass it.
First of all, we need to know the factors that contribute to alcoholism. Alcoholism can be caused by many different factors. One main factor is genetics and biological disposition. There is current research about how some chemicals in the brain affect some people differently and may make them more sensitive to alcohol. Also most people who are alcoholics usually have a family history, revealing that alcoholism could be hereditary. Another genetic factor related to alcoholism is gender. Males are twice as likely to be alcoholics as females.
In addition,social factors can also affect whether or not a person becomes an alcoholic. In some cultures or families there is a lot of drinking. There may be pressure to drink at social occasions and celebrations or it might be acceptable to drink to solve problems. A person's access and exposure to alcohol may affect how much they drink, therefore affecting whether they become an alcoholic. Studies show that poor people are more likely to be alcoholics because they have more stress to overcomes in their lives. Another social reason may be that a person learned wrong ways to deal with stress and therefore turns to alcohol when they have problems.

Although difficult to overcome, alcoholism can be helped. When a person first quits drinking, he/she should go to rehab because they can help them deal with the physical problems of alcohol withdrawal. After rehab they should seek another form of help that can be alcoholics' anonymous, psychologist or religion. Alcoholics' anonymous has helped many people and has meetings everywhere in the world. Similarly, psychologists can teach people to deal with stress in a positive way and give them tools besides alcohol. Besides that, some people find success with religion because it makes them happy and less
stressed out. All three of these solutions give the person support.
After all, People must find a way to get passed it. There are many sources of help out there for those who need it.


BlackRose said...

where is the title ................?

ESL Teacher said...

Topic Sentences/Concluding Sentences/ Thesis: Good thesis statment.
What encyclopedia? You could start your first paragraph with the second sentence. A definition is not necessary.

Great topic sentences for second paragraph and third paragraph.
You give many causes, you only need three.

Good use of transitions from chapter.
On the other hand, is used to make an opposite point from what you just said.
In addition, might work better.
Grammar/3 Adverb clauses:
get passed it.
Could you underline your adverb clauses?

Greg said...

very nice paragraphs except at the end im sure u meant past not pass

After all, People must find a way to get pass alcoholism.

ESL Teacher said...

Topic/Concluding/Thesis .20

3 causes/3 solutions .25

3 transitions/3 new vocabulary .25

Grammar/ 3 adverb clauses .25