Apr 26, 2007


Alcoholism is the addiction of alcohol, a chronic illness characterized by the habitual consumption of alcohol, and it is a growing habit in the world. This bad habit becomes worse and worse every day, if we dont know how to treat or deal with it. For people who are addicted to alcohol, they dont know why do they drink that much but they know the reason why they start drinking. According to some medical researches alcoholism addiction is a medical disease associated with biochemical changes in the brain. These changes in brain chemistry are thought to play a significant role in the physical symptoms of addiction, including cravings and withdrawal. For example: a continuing strong desire to use alcoholism (Cravings), the need for increasing doses to achieve the same effects (Tolerance), inability to cut down or stop use (Loss of Control), these are the most common symptoms of alcoholism. What most people do not know, that alcohol is a CNS(central nervous system) depressant that reduces anxiety, inhibition, and feelings of guilt. There is no certain cause of alcoholism, it is chronic, and the disease won't go away on its own. Without treatment, alcoholism can cause death. If we ask these people who addicted to alcohol about the reason of drinking basically they will tell you its only for pleasure, and actually that's the mean reason. Again if we ask them what was the reason to start drinking, now you will hear the most tragedian reasons and stories, for example : Broken family , divorced parents and the kids live with there alcoholic mother who left them most of the times alone, or alcoholic father who used to beat up his wife in front of his children, some of them will tell you I thought this is the way I should grow up, others will say I thought if my father beats me it means he loves me more, they are just children and they do not know. Another example : Emotional disturbance, like someone who found out that his wife/girl friend is cheating on him, some one who just lost his job and does not know what to do, or maybe someone who feels more acceptance among the group while he is drunk they found him/her funny, or even among the teenagers if you dont drink and smoke you are not cool. These addicted people are not bad people, in fact they are the only people who accepts you for who you are regardless your color, where you came from or what language you speak. but in the eyes of the law they are bad and they should get help. The law is very clear and strict about the alcohol level in the blood, in most of the states blood alcohol should be less that 0.08. At this level you are officially drunk and you are not allowed to drive or sometimes not to be in public. One of the solutions that the government suggest that to reduce alcohol level so instead of 0.08 it will be 0.05 but they still studying this suggestion. Another solution was to educate people about alcohol and its bad effect on the body and mind. Now adays there are a rehab centers which is specialized for these addicted people, where they treat them and educate them at the same time. All these solutions has proved its efficacy but still not enough to solve this problem, because they are not treating the root of the problem they are just dealing with the symptoms. Alcoholism is a chronic disease, just like any other diseases we should treat the cause of the disease then the symptoms will disappear. In short, the society and the government should work all together as one hand to face this problem, and fined the suitable solutions which will make living more peaceful and quite.


ESL Teacher said...

Topic/Concluding/Thesis:Good first sentence.
Your thesis sentence should be at the end of the first paragraph and it should include causes and solutions of problem.

You need a topic sentence for each paragraph.

Good conclusion, restate causes and solutions.

You have many good ideas, but you also include alot of unnecessary information.

State the cause or solution in one sentence and then give example or additional information in one sentence.
What medical research? Use According to...(website or dr.)

Could you highlight or underling your 3 transitions and 3 new vocabulary?

Grammar/Adverb Clauses:
they don't know why they drink

Could you highlight your adverb clauses?

NESRIN said...

Hi Anas
You need to underline your new vocabulary words,transitions and adverb clauses.You wrote lots of informations that makes it little confusing.

ESL Teacher said...

Topic/Concluding/Thesis .20

3 causes/3 solutions .20

3 transitions/3 new vocabulary .25

Grammar/ 3 adverb clauses .20